In recent years and especially the past decade, Chase Resource has come of age and specialized in the area of
Non-Welded Piping projects. End-Users mainly from Industries such as Petrochemical, Offshore and Marine, Shipyards, Automotive, METAL, and Infrastructure Developers like METRO Rail / Underground Networks etc., are moving from the traditional methods like Welding towards Non-Welded Technologies, which are mainly Safe, Clean, Easy and Fast to implement. This apart from providing Environmental and Health benefits is seen more of a reliable solution. Chase Resource specializes in such Non-Welded Projects encompassing Design & Engineering, Installation, Pressure Testing and Flushing Services, etc., as a turn-key solution provider working alongside some of the leading Hydraulic OEM suppliers to above Industries. They are the Authorized Distributor and Installers for Tube-Mac Piping Technologies Ltd., of Canada and are now remodelling itself as a full-fledged M & E Contractor for the immediate future.